Aug 27, 2012

Act 3 Brechmorg

Party heads into the Brechmorg a forest of rolling hills and tall trees the floor covered with thick green undergrowth. The party satys away from Divel Road "the main road that goes from Bexenham to Thistleburg and even father down to Hurtcutt".

Waltz of sunlight and moss by Nathan Wright

Thre party battles some orc raiders but needs to flee.
 Ambush From The Treeline by ~LucasGraciano [ female, elf, archer, ranger ]

They travel down the 2 Oldin river past the Balenford to Rottmore Marsh.

Art of Annis Naeem

The party finds Rottmore "Muck Town" razed dead, blotted bodies lay in the swamp.

Ravage of the Blight  by Urbanator

 Some of the inhabitants have hidden they say orcs have been coming out of the Wyverns Spine in droves also set Hurtcutt to the torch many have fled to East Grimwhip to seek shelter with the Free men. Draweille heads into East Grimwhip forest and is captured by Freemen.
 Pepper The Warlord by `ukitakumuki

Drawielle talks Tarhne into helping attack the orc horde. Freemen attack outer camp of orcs and continue to harass slow moving horde through slaughter bluffs.

 Silent shadows

 Until they are ambushed by Phalanthree and orcs.

Google Image Result for
Keladan withdraws orb and releases its power. He continues up 2 Oldin river by himself across Tintiver Sea towards Sage Valley.