Aug 10, 2012

Act 8 Crystal Teeth

The Demons plan was to lore King Athasar out of from the walls of ________and the protection of its holy wizards. Demon hoped King would travel to the Iron Keep to inquire on Lord Tideon but _______blood has grown thin and looks at King Athasar as weak. Demon sends his phalthree to Belnore castle and kill king and claim his sword.  After the death of king hidden sects of dark gods show themselves wizards are assassinated.

James Ryman

Dark knights sail from the shadow lands, and bring war to castles throughout the southern kingdoms
King Kaizul sails from the southern Isles attacking the shores of the southern castles.

Assault on Nargothroand, by Pete Amachree. Perfect world international

Deep elves emerge and bring war to the three elven citadels wood elves from _______ woods aid the high elf's. Lords that where not part of demons plan see their chance to gain lands and gold, Demon is ecstatic with the turmoil that is taking place in the southern kingdoms. Holy city of ______is under attack from within. and the rest of kingdom is to busy protecting their own lands to aid capital.

After the manuscripts of _______is opened and the druids circle is plagued with dark magic Eldrin, Falgrim, & Warthor emerge from portal. Draweile and night elf accompany group to northern mountains.
Group fly's to the north takes rest at Hammer Fall Hills warn dwarves of oncoming war continue to fly to crystal teeth snow and wind become to great group has to dismount and continue on foot visability is minimal.

 Ice Cavern by *Novum1 on deviantART

 At night fall they are surrounded by ______ riding white furred tusked creatures.

Google Image Result for Yeti concept Process

 A large axe crushes one beast and they scatter but company soon finds themselves surrounded by Ice  giants

  Savage North cover by Wayne Reynolds  . Frost Giant Jarl

Then are escorted to White Maidens realm.

fantasy ice caves - Google Search

The Ice queen meets with Eldrin knowing he is in the green Maidens favor. She judges him true and as the Green Maiden bestowed Eldrin with a gift "a bow from the _______Tree" the White Maiden bestows a quiver of arrows to Eldrin. The Frost giants blow the Dragon horn and awaken all the dragons good and evil.

 Through the Smoke and Ice by jeiten 

One in particular, the Great White Wrym he find the group as they travel south to where they left the gryphons.  The Great White Wyrm finds them recognizes Falgrim as a descendent of Th_____ and reforges his broken blade.

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