The north is a harsh jagged land full of steep mountainous terrain. Harsh winds and treacherous snow storms continuously batter this region. Snow falls all year round and their is only a short respite from the harsh weather. Summer last's for but one month where the winds die to a low roar. The ________ live in the east coastline known as the Wind burn mountains or Hells axe living off roving mountain cattle & the bounty of the ocean. They ware thick seal pelts and various other furs.
To the west are various mountain clans that live scattered throughout the mountain range. They are tough men who live on blood and steel they battle amongst each other while also fending off barbarian raiders from the west coastline and rouge bands have been known to attack the ________
The barbarian hordes live just south of Hell's Hold, a barren waste land of stone spires formed from lava. Noxious gas emits from the bowels of the earth which has rumors to have caused creatures to become deformed and crazed. It is said that the barbarians where once Northmen that settled to close to these lands, but the fumes have turned them into crazed fighters.
It is said the fumes have dulled some of their senses as they seem not to feel pain. They ware little armor and clothing despite the frigid temperatures of the north. Another tale says they drink waters from the land as that causes them to feel no pain. Their bodies are covered with scars as self mutilation is common place and part of their worship as gods constantly call for blood.
The barbarians constantly battle amongst themselves. Some have sailed to the lands off to the North west or have become swords for higher, they have a distinct love for war, and plunder and may temporarily join with another if their is a prospect of gold.
Hell's Hold is located to the farthest point north on the west coast of Toureille. A barren wasteland where no form of vegetation grows and the water is tainted from the gases that emit from the land. Volcanic eruptions are common and dark ash blankets the sky. Tales are said that the demon hordes that invaded the land of Toureille where locked deep within the depths of a vast cavern far below the surface thus giving the land its name.
The southern mountain ranges are more forgiving than the far reaches of the north but are no less treacherous. The land scape are snow capped peaks that never melt away but the mountain bases give way to lush coniferous forests and in the short summer months the low lands melt away leaving a vast forest. The ranges are notoriously known for being infested with orc, goblin, mountain trolls, and frost giants.
Strathmore gates is a large gate that leads into the north land, protecting the areas to the south from any denizens that may wander out of the mountain range. It is rumored that the gate was built by the dwarves to divide the land north where they live (Hammer Fall Hills) but as served many years as the gate way to the passes for the only known trade route with the dwarves.
The Avens of snow divide the northern mountain range from the Fendale forest. In the winter the lake freezes over. The north elves are ever vigilant watching for any that would wander out of the north and croos the ice into their forest.

The Fendale Forest is home of the north elves also known as snow elves. The forest is old filled with large oaks, elm, beech, tiger-maple, white-birch and ironwood. The northern forest only knows three months of the year without snow. Its spring and summer last but three months where the snows melt and the Dendabar river flows wild out to sea. Silver and blue _______bloom before the light snows again start to fall in the northern woods. The elves of Fendale are always on watch for any bands of orc or goblin that cross the Avens of snow.
The Dendabar River flows through the forest the northern elves built their home on its shores out of native granite stone, and wood. Tranquil waterfalls and the sound of silver stringed harps can be heard echoing close to their home.
The last out post is actually a large keep with various traffic coming and going it is the last human settlement before the the northern mountain range of Toureille. It is located on the east coast just north of Carricks Path it serves as home to_______ and a trading post for trappers, and fur traders in the north. _______ its lord has learned to keep a silent lip and his judgements to himself as folk of all manor come through his keep to seek refuge from the elements and to gather supplies.
Carricks path leads south across the Pentigill Bridge also known as "Elve's Gate".
Deverdale a small farming village lies on the outskirts of Wood Hollow and the southern reaches of the Dendabar River.
The Blue Briar
The Plains of Pitthurst are lush fields of golden grass hills. Many travelers take their wares back and forth from Deverdale and the town of Bexenham.
Bexenham lies on the north west coast of the Tintiver Sea.
Fields of fallen lords is the battlefield where the armys of man, elf, and dwarf united under one banner to make a last stand against the invading chaos hordes. Many nobels perished in that battle so many that the field was claimed as sacred ground and turned into a massive graveyard for all the fallen.
Howling Steppe
7th tower of Thanodin "Fort Smudge" is where_______was banished to when he failed to light the signal beacon when the chaos hordes invaded.
Balnore castle a large castle on the coast of the Tinterver Sea it is situated on top of a large cliff face it has many walls that encircle the castle it has never been breached
Brechmorg ________woods & Divel road
Felcherhenge & The Bludleigh Hills "Slaughter Bluffs"
Wyrdwort Ruins ________castle fell and has fallen to ruin
2 Oldin river
Balenford area of _________lake, rock formations at base of Wyverns Spine has formed a maze in the water way.
Scar-wood forest a ancient forest that is hidden in the Balenford. Home of the wood elves
The low lands of the 3 Dales flood's in the spring. The warmer weather causes the snow to melt from the wyvern's spine causing hundreds of small waterfalls that flow down to the 2 Oldin river causing the river to swell. The small folk can be seen framing the land with warthogs that trod through the mud. Small ponies are used by the guards but are used more by the higher social class and the guards than the regular populace.
Wyvern's Spine
Bridge of silence
Gryphon shrine
Shores of Caertreath //////////// 3 massive statues of the 3 sisters stand on the cliffs of Caertreath

Sage Valley
_________ "Dark Wood"
Lost druids keep
Toemaken mines caverns where Lothor Stonegrund a great dwarf. Although his greed caused him to mine to deep opening evil forces from below many a battle was fought. Now the spirits of the dwarfs who lived within guard the caverns. Druid circle buried tomb of _______in the catacombs
Iron Keep King Tidaeon's castle carved into the mountain side of Grunegeylis Mountains on the eastern coast of the Tintiver Sea. Known as "the right hand of the North Hammer of the north".