Aranthil friend of Eldrin, Lieutenant of the Snow Elves
Raheal'arath Shar Eldrin's father king of the Snow Elves
Falgrim a large warrior from the north

Keldanithos Raslaggdatorlons an alchemist wizard who finds a magical orb that could bring the destruction of all of Toureille

Kyraman the Grey (The Wolf) Human assassin from Bexenham
Gundrick Storag a Dwarf from the east

Draweile a ranger & his hawk Eradock

Tarhne Leader of the Freemen
Mi'taligthin sworn first sword of the wood elves
Yurick Whitevale one of the druid circle
Thorlek Warthor
King Oronin "ruler of Balnore castle, the left hand of the north"
Gylron Commander of Balnore Guard
Haargin "sworn silver shield of the north"
Orerick Lt of Balnore Guard
Orethul "The Bear" Ruler of Last outpost
Gilf Captain of Stathmore Gate
King Tidaeon "Ruler of the Iron Keep, The right hand of the north"
Prince _________, Tidaeon's son
Lord Devlington
King Athasar
Morrick Captain of the guard
Sole'afel Lathaereon Night elf
Aeomoncirith first sword of the Eagle riders
Kaizul Prince of Nagundar
__________________first sword of the centaurs








Elendrial "The Great Mother"
The Bad guys
Betarulonndus the demon
Orc leader
Barbarian Leader
Verthe Serythe "Smudge"