In the next scene the travelers are introduced to the lord of the Manor where they meet Cadagar, and the "Wolf" there guide through the Howling Stepe
Party then travels to Howling Stepe

Party then travels through Stepe and into a hidden cave ________Chute where they travel into small stream at bottom of crags

After traveling through the small stream the group encounters a ____spider small battle ensues.

After battle with spider pass opens up to a large pool
Above pic of pool.... before entering underwater cavern.
After party enters cavern battle takes place undead, salamander creatures.......{some old crypt, or vault where heroes where buried.}
There is a secret door passage way littered with traps.
Cavern finally opens up and a stair way leads to tower above.
Keldan finds {something in old chambers map, book....... journal talks of Druid circle and being banished...... rite to open ____portal .......tree of life}
Party finds ________ "Smudge" never died he is some kind of undead knight

Battle takes place tower holds a Dracolich which attacks Bexenham
Dark Knight is defeated drops orb that contains demon blood and now holds part of Falgrim's soul. Vortex is enacted and tower falls. Party makes it off tower Eldrin appears dead but lives next mourn banner-men arrive and bring party back to Devlington Manor group is named "protectors of Bexenham" Keldan appears older after calling forth magic.
When Eldrin awakens Falgrim and Cadagar are drilling troops. Soon after a ranger and a dwarf arrive with news of orc raiders in the area they have been seen throughout the woods and smoke has been seen from direction of small town. Eldrin, Falgrim, and Keldan elect to check it out. Cadagar says they cannot give any soldiers to aid them for it is their job to watch the north and town is in disrepair. He will send word to King Athasar to send out a party to rid any rougue orcs that may be about.