Aug 25, 2012

Act 4 Wyverns Spine

A dream sequence happens where blue mist appears Drawielle and Eldrin see a light and hear far away voices.
Prongs    ☆ Light Paintings by Dennis Calvert ☆

They awaken in a small cave with a druid named Yurick Whitevale overlooking the 3 Dales.

They travel up Wyverns Spine are attacked by stone golemn which druid is able to turn away. have to sleep in small cave frozen from damp rain and now in snowy climate druid says they are being followed.

 A Game Of Thrones The RPG, artworks by Seryl  

Are attacked by possessed Tarrasque "a peaceful nomadic group" fight scene occurs have to flee across bridge of silence.

 Savage North cover by Wayne Reynolds Skyrim 

Party makes it to gryphon shrine where they are attacked by phalantree. Eldrin and Yurick escape Draweille and Gryphoner try to hold off demon.
Drawielle takes a gryphon and flies south. Eldrin and Yurick fly toward Dark forest.  They travel into Dark Forest with little rest, are attacked by shambler. A blue flash of arrows saves them but the archer is no where to be found. Yurick and Eldrin travel into Druids keep.

 Love the endless cavern  In the Night Cover by *88grzes on deviantART  Google Image Result for

World of WarCraft

but arrive as Keldan exits room holding book and is then kidnapped by deep elves.

Oberon  Drizzt Do'Urden, with twin swords, IcingDeath and Twinkle (yes, Twinkle)

Small fight scene ensues as elves escape cavern rumbles and a large beaked, bat, dragon, spider, thing attacks.

Chimera Dwarf vs Hook by Mathias Kollros guterrez

Once again Eldrin & Yurick are saved by lightning arrows escape down mining tunnel are introduced to ________, & night elf. Monster still hunts them another fight scene occurs.

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Party makes plans to rescue Keldan.